Entrepreneurship Development Programme (EDP)

      The objective of EDP is to provide orientation and awareness pertaining to various managerial and operational functions like finance, production, marketing, enterprise management, banking formalities, bookkeeping, etc. The duration for EDP under REGP was only 3 days, whereas, under PMRY it was 10 days. During various meetings, discussions and recommendations of Department Related Parliamentary Standing Committee for Industry (DRPSCI) it was felt that 3 days were not adequate for providing this inputs effectively and, hence two to three weeks period has been provided under PMEGP which will include interaction with successful rural entrepreneur, banks as well as orientation through field visits. The EDP will be conducted through KVIC, KVIB Training Centers as well as Accredited Training Centers run by Central Government, NSIC, the three national level Entrepreneurship Development Institutes (EDIs), i.e., NIESBUD, NIMSME and IIE, and their partner institutions under the administrative control of Ministry of MSME, State Governments, Banks, Rural Development and Self Employment Training Institutes (RUDSETI) reputed NGOs, and other organizations / institutions, identified by the Government from time to time. EDP will be mandatory for all the PMEGP beneficiaries. However, the beneficiaries who have undergone EDP earlier of duration not less than two weeks through KVIC/KVIB or reputed training centers will be exempted from undergoing fresh EDP. The training centres / institutes will be identified by KVIC and extensive publicity will be provided about the training centres / institutes, content of courses available, duration, etc. by circulating the same to all the Implementing Agencies.


Physical verification of PMEGP Units

         100% physical verification of the actual establishment and working status of each of the units, set up under PMEGP, including those set up through KVIBs and DICs, will be done by KVIC, through the agencies of State Government and/or, if necessary by outsourcing the work to professional institutes having expertise in this area, following the prescribed procedures as per General Financial Rules (GFR) of Government of India. Banks, DICs and KVIBs will coordinate and assist KVIC in ensuring 100 % physical verification. A suitable proforma will be designed by KVIC for such physical verification of units. Quarterly reports, in the prescribed format will be submitted by KVIC to the Ministry of MSME.