"Click here to download RTI Form"


Form –A

See Rule -4(I)





                     The Public Information Officer

                     Assistant Public Information Officer

                    Department of Information & Communication Technology,

                   Secretariat Building Annex-I, Third Floor,

                   Government of Mizoram

                   Aizawl – 796001, Mizoram. 

                  Ph: 0389-2310888/2319637 Fax: 2319632



01. Full Name of the applicant   :


02. Father/ Spouse Name           :


03. Permanent Address              :



04. Particulars in respect of identity of the applicant  :


05. Particulars of information solicited

     a) Subject matter of information   :


    b) The period to which the information relates     :


   c) Specific details of information required            :


  d) Whether information is required by post or in person

       (The actual postal charges shall be Included in providing information)


   e) In case by post (ordinary/ registered/speed)  :


06. Address to which information will be sent & in which form :


07. Has the information provided earlier ?  :


08. Is this information not made available by the public authority ? :


09. Do you agree to pay the required  fee ? :


10. Have you deposited application fee ?  :

     (If yes details of such deposit)

11. Whether belongs to BPL category   :

     have you furnished the proof of the same



Place :


Date :



Full Signature of the applicant Address





Office of the Public Information Officer



Received the application form …………………………………………………………

address …………………………………………………………………………………

on  ……………………….. seeking information.



Place :


Date :




Full name of Public Information Officer

  Designation & Seal