Marketing Support

(a) Marketing support for the products, produced by the units under PMEGP may be provided through KVIC’s Marketing Sales outlets, as far as possible. KVIC will reserve the right to provide such a support based on quality, pricing and other parameters to be separately circulated by KVIC to KVIBs/DICs.

(b) Besides the above, Exhibitions, Workshops at District/StateZonal/National and International levels, Buyer-Seller Meets,etc., will be arranged for the benefit of PMEGP beneficiaries by KVIC.



       PMEGP Exhibitions will be organized by KVIC at National, Zonal, State and District Levels and special exhibitions for North Eastern Zone in co ordination with KVIBs and DICs, to promote products produced by PMEGP units. KVIC will get the annual calendar of exhibitions to be conducted at various parts of the country, approved by the Ministry in advance. Separate pavilions will be provided for display of products produced by units set up through KVIBs/DICs. Separate logos and nomenclature for rural entrepreneurs and urban entrepreneurs will be worked out by KVIC/KVIBs/DICs. For example, for rural PMEGP exhibitions nomenclatures like GRAMEXPO, GRAMUSTAV, GRAM MELA, etc., may be used. KVIC, in coordination with KVIBs and DICs will be organizing one district level exhibition (per district), one State level exhibition and one Zonal level exhibition, annually.


 Participation in International Exhibitions

        Participation by PMEGP units is envisaged in International Exhibitions like India International Trade Fair (IITF), etc., for developing their export market. KVIC will organize participation in the international exhibitions in coordination with KVIBs and DICs and will seek the list of willing units from KVIBs and DICs. KVIC will ensure that the units desirous of participating in the fair, set up through KVIBs and DICs are considered judiciously on the basis of merit, variety and quality of the products. A maximum amount of Rs. 20 lakh will be provided to meet expenditure on rental charges for pavilion, fabrication of stalls and towards display, demonstration etc. KVIC may meet the rest of the expenditure out of its regular marketing budget provisions.